Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Unassigned Reading??? What's That?!?!?!

Oh, summer! Why so far away??? 3o days, around a month, about 1/12 of a year...Sounds like FOREVER! Still the memory of this past summer strong in my mind, the long days filled with relaxing in bed till noon grazing through a wonderful, light, easy to read book (no annotating involved!).

With all this 'Pennies for Peace' and Greg Mortenson inspired talk at school I have become increasingly interested in the book that started it all...Three Cups of Tea, is first on my reading list for my leisure days in the sun.

Second, well, which to choose! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many books out there, begging to be read... I know many people who have devoured the Pendragon books, by D. J. MacHale, and said, "Beth! You just have to read these!!!!!". So, I guess I will! Walker already has purchased most of them so it will only take an easy walk into the living room to snatch the next one for reading.

Suddenly, as I sum up this post, I feel new excitement for the break to come! YAY!

Friday, May 7, 2010

To Dream or not to Dream?

Are dreams foretelling what is to come? Are they what is happening in some other spin off of reality? That is not really an answerable question at the moment...All we can do is speculate.

When I was young I had this reoccurring dream, or nightmare if you will, where I would be sitting on the back porch of my house with my brother and my friend. Our moms would be standing in the yard chatting (you know the way parents do when they come to pick up their kid?). When suddenly I would see some movement from behind the garage...A TYRANNOSAURUS REX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We would scream at our moms but they would just keep talking, the T-rex would start out from behind the garage getting closer and closer to the conversationally absorbed adults. We would running into the house and...I'd wake up.

Did my mom every get stepped on by a humongous dinosaur? Not that I'm aware of! Does that mean there is no hidden meaning? Nope.

Now that I think about it...a really terrible thing happened in that garage...but that's a different story.

I really think that dreams are a way for our sub-conscious mind to sort through the things we don't let ourselves go through with awareness. So though I don't think they are necessarily prescient, I do think they are relevant. I don't have Romeo's full hearted confidence in their use as an oracle but neither do I have Mercutio's distasteful disdain toward them.

Romeo's foreboding seems to have foretold true, for Tybalt is dead and Mercutio slain. So at least in R & J dreams seem to be a power over them all.