Friday, March 26, 2010

Great Expectations for our Skits!

The first scene I think could be fun as a skit is when pip visits the Satis House for the first time and Miss Havisham goes all crazy with "My heart its broken" and stuff. This could be really fun if it is extremely over dramatized.

Another is when Magwitch comes to Pip's apartment and tells him he is the benefactor. This is a comical bit and it is very important to the development of the story.

The last part I think would be good is when Pip, Herbert, Startop and Magwitch are executing their escape attempt, when Compeyson tracks them down and plans to hand them in. This is really dramatic with Compeyson getting drowned and all, and would be intense to act in and view.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Another question...

So, we all know Miss Havisham is a terrible, depressed, heartbroken person. But what would make her pretend to be Pip's benefactor? It is a cruel, cruel thing to do to Pip. Pip's whole life was based on hopes of winning over Estella, and she alluded to his being intended for her, but when the time comes and he knows the truth she admits to the whole shenanigans(360). Please help me understand!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010


As a start, the whole of chapter 31 utterly confused me. If figured out they are at Wopsle"s play, hough the transitions from viewing the play to Being back stage (?) is hard for me to discern. The particular part that mixed me up is, " 'Mr Waldengarver,' said the man, 'would be glad to have the honour."
Waldengarver?' I repeated--when Herbert murmured in my ear, 'Probably Wopsle.' (256)
Later on it continues," 'Gentlemen,' said Mr. Wopsle, 'I am proud to see you. I hope, Mr. Pip, you will excuse my sending round. I had the happiness to know you in former times, and the drama has ever been acknowledged on the noble and the affluent.' Meanwhile, Mr. Waldengarver, in a frightful perspiration, w as trying to t himself out of his princely sables." (257).

So, my question is...Is Waldengarver Wopsles alter ego, another actor or what????

Friday, March 5, 2010

Photo interpretation

Rocks. No one expects them to move but in Death Valley the rocks travel, leaving a rut in their wake. This is like Pip. He is a low class common person. A rough handed, thick booted commoner. He is in his place, imagining what could be, and suddenly he goes where nobody thought possible for him to go. He leaves his common roots and miraculously is in a place of great expectations and high society, free of his apprenticeship and wandering into his new life. Only one thing remains...Will he finally be happy where he is going?