Thursday, January 28, 2010

TIBE ( I took the caps from the cover to make that name)

When we did our research on the Victorian age I learned a lot (A LOT!) of really interesting and slightly distressing facts, though I figure if it hadn't been that way it wouldn't be this way today. These facts have helped me to have a deeper understanding of the play. I learned of social expectations, gender roles, and the importance and drive behind marriage. The expectation for a higher class man was to be gentlemanly, and for a women to be graceful, bright, and well rounded (to have art skills, speak a few languages, and be able to lead a house hold). All of these things that women had to do were done to enhance their worth as a bride, and marriage was the overall goal. To get married was the way to improve a families social standing and increase their wealth, it was for all important pretenses, was a business arrangement.

In The Importance of Being Earnest there are the four romantic young people, Jack (Ernest), Algernon (Ernest), Cecily (in love with Ernest) and Gwendolyn (ALSO in love with Ernest). The adult figures in charge of each of the girls are pushing for more "advancing" marriages, while they of course (or at least at first) fight to be with their loves. I have trouble explaining how exactly my research helped me, but it definitely deepened my perception of the play.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010 <)={D

Wow! twenty-ten...I remember when my sister was so excited for the big two-thousand. Well, for this upcoming year there are many things I wish to improve about myself...there will always be more or what would the reason and drive behind living be?

The resolution I have decided to wright about may seem like a strange one but it truly will benefit me in the future in many ways. I have decided to stop biting my nails. I made this decision when I read an article talking about all the draw-backs of nail biting. Firstly, the most obvious reason, it is a gross, nervous habit that can frankly hurt very badly. Second, there are many germs on and underneath the finger nails that when chewed on can go into your body possibly making you ill. Last of all I learned that it can damage your teeth badly and as I'm a very self conscious and concerned with my oral health as of recently (another resolution) this struck e particularly hard.

My plan for the extermination of this nail annihilating addiction is to carefully cut, file, buff, and paint with a shiny clear coat of nail polish (I dislike colored polishes on my hands) that will catch my attention and divert my naughtily nibbling nippers (I felt the urge to wright that). For the last week this method has been working...lets just hope it continues to work.