Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fire drills...

Back when I was a little child, not yet in school, I remember my father coming up the stairs to where my siblings Lily and Walker, and I were watching Fern Gully and eating popcorn with Bragg's and yeast. He knelt down and told us about what to do if there was a fire or an earthquake. He told us that if the fire alarm went off we had to get out of the house, with the usual stay low, touch the door knob to see if it's warm, all the stuff you learn in the Smokie the Bear trailer at the fair. He said that once we got out we had to go to the specified place down the block from our home.
Later once we did one practice without the alarm he told us that he would make a "fire drill" without telling us sometime that day. so we went back to our movie and snacks content and excited for what was to come.
The alarm went off and we calmly walk out of the house and down the block and found dad waiting right where he was supposed to be. As he walked us back to our house he told us what a great job we had done and brought us home and made us a delicious dinner.

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